Meno renginių rėmimas Sidnėjuje
Geros naujienos visiems lietuvaičiams kurie ruošiasi keliauti į Australiją arba jau čia yra. Sidnėjaus renginių ciklas Art & About ieško projektų finansuoti ( iki $80 k) jeigu atitiktų visus kriterijus, tad nėra ko miegoti, kurti kurti kurti!
Paraiškų pabaiga baigiasi jau Kovo 5 dieną. Puiki galimybė realizuoti save ir gauti šiek tiek įplaukų…kas žino, gal tai langas į jūsų karjerą ?
Visus esančius Lietuvoje ir turinčius idėjų kviečiu rašyti gal sugalvosime ką nors bendro
Daugiau informacijos čia
City of Sydney is now inviting Expressions of Interest from artists, curators, cultural organisations and creative teams for Artistic Projects for Art & About Sydney 2013.
A range of multidisciplinary arts projects and installations up to a value of $80,000 will be considered.
Art & About Sydney 2013 will run from Friday 20 September to Sunday 20 October 2013. We are keen to hear from organisations, artists, creative practitioners and collectives interested in presenting work in public and unusual places.
Expression of Interest documents can be obtained by registering through the e-tendering portal at If you experience difficulties accessing this website please contact the Tenderlink helpdesk on 1800 233 533.
For further enquiries please contact:
Mr Anthony Manuatu, Tendering Officer
Telephone: 02 9246 7623
Sealed submissions endorsed “E0113, Artistic Projects – Art & About Sydney 2013” must be lodged online at or alternatively placed in the Tender Box located on Level 2, Town Hall House, 456 Kent Street, Sydney no later than 11.00am on Tuesday 5 March 2013.
Further information on Art & About Sydney 2013 can be found on the website, including last year’s image gallery.