Moterų verslumo skatinimas NSW regione
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Kovo 26 dieną, Sidnėjuje bus organizuojamas verslo renginys skirtas moterims tema “Moterys eksporto versle”
Daugiau informacijos žemiau ir paspaudus čia
Tuesday 26 March 2013
10.45 am for 11.00am – 1.00pm
A panel of eminent business women including winners of the Telstra Australian Business Awards and the Premier’s Export Awards will be available to answer your questions about how they have transformed obstacles into opportunities in their businesses.
These female business owners will share their insights into strategies and experiences they have faced with expansion into different global markets. As 8 March 2013 is International Women’s Day it’s appropriate to celebrate women and their achievements in exporting.
Topics discussed will include multilingual and cross-cultural solutions in global business, how to embrace the social and ethical responsibility of your supply chain as well as how to service clients with global timeframes and the importance of mentors and advisors to business growth and operation.
The panel will be facilitated by Julia Bickerstaff who is an ex Partner at global advisory firm, Deloitte, an economist and a chartered accountant. She has extensive practical experience assisting small and medium sized businesses and has expertise in pricing and analysing profit.